Slumdog Millionaire (2008 Oscar Winner)

Bechdel-Wallace Test
  1. Does the movie have at least two named female characters?
    • Yes.  There’s Latika and Mrs. Mackintosh.
  2. Do the female characters talk to each other on-screen?
    • No.
  3. Does their conversation revolve around something other than a man?
    • N/A

Please leave your comments below on whether you agree or disagree with my assessment.

Further Analysis
  1. Does the movie have at least one female employed behind-the-scenes in a position of power (director, executive producer, producer, or writer)?
    • Yes!  Loveleen Tandan served as “Co-director: India”.  She began as the film’s casting director, but her role expanded when she suggested to director Danny Boyle and writer Simon Beaufoy that the film include Hindi dialogue.  In the end, she shot several scenes, translated the script into Hindi, and worked with the child actors.  That she didn’t share in Boyle’s Best Director nomination is considered a major oversight.
  2. Are the named female characters in leading or supporting roles?
    • Latika is a leading character.
  3. How important is the female-female conversation to the overall plot?
    • N/A
 Final Verdict: 

Failed Stamp

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