The English Patient (1996 Oscar Winner)

 Bechdel-Wallace Test
  1. Does the movie have at least two named female characters?
    • Yes.  There’s Katharine Clifton, Hana, Jan, and Mary, to name a few.
  2. Do the female characters talk to each other on-screen?
    • Yes.  Hana talks to Jan and Mary.  There’s also a group conversation between Hana, Jan, and Mary.
  3. Does their conversation revolve around something other than a man?
    • Yes.  Early in the movie, Hana and Jan talk about sewing and whether the former will lend money for lace to the latter.

Please leave your comments below on whether you agree or disagree with my assessment.

Further Analysis
  1. Does the movie have at least one female employed behind-the-scenes in a position of power (director, executive producer, producer, or writer)?
    • No.
  2. Are the named female characters in leading or supporting roles?
    • Katharine and Hana are leading characters.
  3. How important is the female-female conversation to the overall plot?
    • Somewhat important.  While Hana and Jan’s talk of sewing doesn’t affect the plot, this conversation does establish their friendship.  When Jan dies a few minutes later, we understand why Hana is so distraught and her grief leads her to stay to care for the titular patient.
Final Verdict: 

Passed Stamp

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